This pilot study sample size is insufficient for statistical comp

This pilot study sample size is insufficient for statistical comparisons that would allow for determination of treatment efficacy. However, an additional aim was to obtain U0126 chemical structure an estimate of the treatment effect size for the exercise intervention compared with a health education contact control group on smoking abstinence rates at the EOT (Week 10) and at follow-up (Week 24). Methods The study was approved by the Mayo Institutional Review Board prior to recruitment and enrollment of participants. Participants The target sample of 60 participants was based on the primary aim of feasibility. Participants were recruited over a 17-month period by news releases and advertisements in local print and electronic media that briefly described study details (i.e.

, study compares a women��s health education program with a women��s physical activity program, includes nicotine patch treatment, and involves 10 weekly sessions). Study staff also provided local mental health professionals with study details and study information sheets to be shared with patients. Recruitment materials were written in an attempt to appeal to depressed women smokers through the use of empathizing statements about the challenges depressed women face when quitting smoking. Interested individuals completed a telephone screening interview. We considered providing additional study information with exclusion criteria in a recorded message or mailed information sheet. Because depression is associated with low adherence (Wing, Phelan, & Tate, 2002), we considered the telephone screen an opportunity to build rapport and personally answer questions, perhaps enhancing motivation toward further study assessment.

Participants were 60 depressed women 18�C65 years of age who were regular smokers (10 or more cigarettes per day during the previous 6 months). Depression was defined as a score of 16 or higher on the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D; Radloff, 1977). Participants were sedentary, defined as exercising less than 20 min/day on fewer than 3 days/week. Other inclusion criteria included provision of written informed consent, the ability to participate in an exercise program (determined by study physician based on results from exercise treadmill test and physician examination), considered in good general health by a study physician, a negative pregnancy test, and a body mass Carfilzomib index ��40.

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