Men had more physical activity than women; physical activity was more common during days off than during workdays, especially among men. The hourly distribution of physical activity clearly differed between workdays and days off. During workdays, physical activity was most common early in the morning and right after working hours, whereas physical activity was distributed more evenly throughout the day during days off. In addition, the proportion of participants fulfilling the aerobic physical activity recommendations decreased with increasing BMI and was lower for women than for men. Approximately one-third of the obese men and one-tenth of obese women fulfilled the aerobic physical activity
recommendations. Strengths and weaknesses of the study Our study has several strengths. First, our study sample was very large and included a wide range of non-manual and manual labour employees although we did not have individual self-reported information on job titles available for the analysis in our data mining/register type study. Second, we used a novel ambulatory beat-to-beat R-R interval-based method to assess the intensity of
physical activity. This method has been shown to provide more accurate estimates of the intensity of physical activity than HR information.20 29 Third, we had a strict criteria for the inclusion of recording days (eg, measurement error <15% and recording break <30 min); thus, our recordings had a good coverage of typical workdays and days off. Nonetheless, our study also has some weaknesses. Most of the participants were apparently healthy, but some participants with chronic diseases and/or medications that did not severely affect HR were also included in the sample of employees. We did not adjust for these conditions in the analysis since this information was not available for the analysis in
our data mining/register type study. In addition, the study sample was not a random sample from the population, but a ‘real-life’ clinical sample of employees who participated in the preventive occupational healthcare activities. This can be considered as either a strength or a weakness depending on the perspective. Our method for assessing Entinostat physical activity can differentiate between the intensities of physical activity MET by MET, but to simplify our presentations, we used cut-off points of ≥3 and ≥6 METs to describe MVPA and VPA, respectively, as these are used in the physical activity recommendations.12 The durations of our recordings were from 2 to 6 days and on the basis of these recordings, the amount of weekly physical activity was estimated in order to determine the proportion of participants who fulfil the aerobic physical activity recommendations. To accurately assess individual long-term physical activity levels, a longer recording is more valid than the duration used in our study.