6% suicide The mortality rate, noted as being within 3-months of

6% suicide. The mortality rate, noted as being within 3-months of injury, was 4%. No other indices of severity, length of stay or injury information were presented. Single centre studies Five single centre studies were identified, with the patient sample size ranging from 5436 [34] to 13 008 patients [32] with all being three or more years in duration (Table ​(Table5).5). Only one study was prospective in design [31], with four being retrospective reviews. All reported mechanism Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of injury although categories varied (Table ​(Table7),7), all but one [32] reported age data, and one study failed to note the sex distribution of the sample [32]. With respect to the

key outcome indicators, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical none of the studies reported length of stay, head injury or GCS, RTS, TRISS, financial costs, or pre-hospital care; in addition, none reported patient occupation, or location. Transport was the leading cause of injury in all but one study where cutting/piercing (41%)

was the leading injury mechanism [34] (Table ​(Table77). Li et al [31] set out to examine violence as an injury mechanism, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and in doing so collected data in a prospective manner on 11 472 patients in a 3 year period using a Selleck GW9662 purpose designed survey. Mechanism of injury, age, and the sex distribution was described (M:F 2.6:1), however there was no data concerning key injury severity and outcome indicators. The leading mechanisms were traffic (38.4%), suicide (15.9%) and assault (12.8%). Young adults (20-39) accounted for 56% of all patients. Four age categories were used, permitting only a limited understanding of injuries experienced by young children and older adults. The retrospective study of 13 008 patients at one hospital in Hangzhou reported Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical by Qu et al [32] used the emergency department registry log as the basis for analysis, and reported only mechanism and mortality statistics (1.3%). In contrast to all other studies in this Review, three-quarters

of the patients presented Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical due to injury sustained in a transport-related crash, followed by machinery (9.6%) and falls (8.5%). Aside from these details noted above, the study presented limited patient characteristics, injury event, clinical indices and outcome variables (Table ​(Table55). In a 5 year study published Farnesyltransferase in 2006 [33], Zhou et al reported on the characteristics of 10 654 patients presenting the emergency department. Of these, 361 died (3.4%) prior to admission to the ED and 568 (5.3%) either refused treatment or were transferred to other hospitals. This was the only study to report pre-hospital deaths however mortality of those ‘admitted’ to the ED was not reported. The age distribution was divided into 10-year intervals, with those aged 20-30 years accounting for 33% of all presentations although the age distribution was capped at 51+ years, the lowest of any of the studies here (Table ​(Table5).5).

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