6a) This decline in total STAT6

was not caused by global

6a). This decline in total STAT6

was not caused by global changes in protein levels, because β-actin expression was not significantly affected by IFN-γ pretreatment (Fig. 6a). Densitometry revealed a significant decrease in total STAT6 protein levels following 24 and 48 hr of treatment with IFN-γ (Fig. 6b). The decrease in total STAT6 mirrored the decrease we observed in phosphorylated STAT6, suggesting that the reduction in phosphorylated STAT6 was, in part, related to a decrease in total STAT6 protein. These data suggest that pretreatment with IFN-γ decreases STAT6 protein levels, thus inhibiting IL-4-induced CCL26 expression in U937 cells. CCL26 may play an important role in several human diseases including eosinophilic

Rapamycin mouse oesophagitis, atopic dermatitis and asthma.17–20 Furthermore, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis has revealed that polymorphisms in CCL26 are associated with increased Akt inhibitor susceptibility to these diseases as well as to rhinitis and rheumatoid arthritis.19–23 Also, low CCL26 levels in the peripheral blood have been shown be an independent indicator of future mortality and morbidity in patients with established coronary artery disease.24 These chronic diseases are often associated with monocyte and/or macrophage activation; thus, understanding the mechanisms that regulate CCL26 expression and function in monocytic cells may provide new insights into these conditions. The results of this study showed that human peripheral blood monocytes, MDMs and U937 cells are capable of expressing CCL26 mRNA and protein following stimulation with the T helper 2 (Th2) cytokine, IL-4. The studies that originally characterized CCL26 stated that CCL26 mRNA was not detected in peripheral blood leucocytes.3,25 Our data are consistent with these studies, as CCL26 mRNA was only detected in primary human monocytic cells following stimulation with IL-4. CCL26 mRNA expression was rapidly upregulated

in U937 cells, monocytes CYTH4 and MDMs following stimulation with IL-4. This time course is consistent with the reported kinetics of IL-4-induced CCL26 mRNA expression in other cell types, such as lung and intestinal epithelial cells,26,27 where mRNA is detected early and is sustained for at least 48 hr. U937 cells, monocytes and MDMs also expressed significant amounts of CCL26 protein. Our findings are further supported by a recent study examining the effects of hypoxia on immature dentritic cells. In this study, peripheral blood monocytes were treated with IL-4 and granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) for 72 hr to induce an immature dentritic cell phenotype. Under these conditions, CCL26 mRNA and protein levels were elevated to levels similar to this study.28 Pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as TNF-α, IL-1β and IFN-γ, are released in the early stages of allergic inflammation.

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