For the traces shown in Figures 6C and 6D, the average singletons and standard deviations were averaged from a population of 5 wild-type and 4 GCAPs−/− rods. Our simulations of rod photoreceptor responses were generated using a spatiotemporal model of second-messenger dynamics described in detail elsewhere (Gross MAPK inhibitor et al., 2012). Briefly, we used a generally accepted pair of coupled partial differential equations (Equations 2 and 3) describing Ca2+ and cGMP
concentrations in the rod outer segment, and ancillary equations ((4), (5) and (6)) relating these two variables to cGMP-sensitive current density (JcG) and Na/Ca-K exchange current density (Jex): equation(2) ∂cG(x,t)∂t=α(x,t)–βdarkcG(x,t)+DcG∂2cG(x,t)∂x2 equation(3) ∂Ca(x,t)∂t=1F(AOS2)BCa[fCa2JcG(x,t)−Jex(x,t)]+DCa∂2Ca(x,t)∂x2
equation(4) α(x,t)=αmax1+[Ca(x,t)Kcyc]ncyc equation(5) JcG(x,t)=JcG,dark[cG(x,t)cGdark]3 equation(6) Jex(x,t)=JexsatCa(x,t)Ca(x,t)+Kex Table 2 provides definitions and units of the variables and parameters. (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6) were solved subject to the initial condition E∗(t)=0E∗(t)=0, zero-flux boundary conditions for cGMP and calcium at the tip and base of the outer segment, and a boundary condition that applies at the locus of the R∗: equation(7) 2∂cG(x,t)∂x|x=x0=δβidv2DcGE∗(t)cG(x0,t). This boundary condition assumes that the R∗ is created by a photon capture on a disc whose position (x0) is near the middle of the outer segment with disc spacing δ and identifies the hydrolytic flux (righthand side of Equation 7) with the bidirectional diffusional flux (left hand side) Selleck Rapamycin at the same position. The system of (2), (3), (4), (5), (6) and (7) were solved numerically with the numerical method of lines ( Schiesser, 1991) using original scripts written in Matlab. The model predicts the spatiotemporal changes in cGMP concentration and corresponding current density (J(x,t)) caused by the activation of rhodopsin on an outer segment disc. The simulated rod response is defined in terms of this current density: equation(8) r(t)=ID–∫OSJ(x,t)dx,where ID is the rod dark current J =
JcG + Jex, and the integral is oxyclozanide carried out over the length of the outer segment. The model parameters used for simulating amplitude stability ( Figures 4C and 4D), second-messenger dynamics ( Figures 2 and 5), and SPR amplitude c.v. ( Figures 6E and 6F) were unchanged from the original description ( Gross et al., 2012; see also Table 2). In order to best fit the data in Figures 4A, 4B, 6C, and 6D model parameters were optimized by least-squared fitting within ± 10% of the canonical parameter values for each SPR. The only significant difference in the implementation of the model from that previously described ( Gross et al., 2012) is the adoption of a multistep model for R∗ deactivation in place of simple exponential decay, as now described.