By comparison, in the 2001 find more survey, 46 women were either pregnant or breastfeeding; 37 (80.4%) of whom had used paracetamol and nine (19.6%) of whom had used an NSAID. In the 2009 study, specific questions were included to investigate the use of NSAIDs before and
during pregnancy. Among regular analgesic users (n = 933) there were 366 females aged 18–49 years. Almost one-third of these females (31.1%, 114/366) claimed to be aware of potential risks associated with NSAID use at any time during pregnancy and 73 (19.9%) claimed to be aware of potential risks of taking ibuprofen while trying to conceive. The findings were similar among those respondents who had used an NSAID on their last pain occasion (n = 126): 47 (37.3%) claimed awareness of risks at any time during pregnancy and 25 (19.8%) were aware of risks when trying to conceive. Our study has found that between 2001 and 2009 there was an overall decline in the proportion of Australian consumers who regularly use OTC analgesics at least once per month. Alongside this
decline there has been a change in the type of compound used, with the use of OTC NSAIDs more than doubled. Additionally, in 2009, 42.0% of regular OTC NSAID users purchased this product in a general sales environment. During this time period ibuprofen was made more widely available (as it was switched to general sales, thereby permitting sale in any retail outlet, including supermarkets, petrol click here stations and convenience stores) and a number of new codeine-combination products (including ibuprofen/codeine combinations) were launched as Pharmacy Only products. The changes observed in our study reflect how consumers adapt to changes in the non-prescription analgesics environment.
Consumer awareness of the potential risks associated with the use of OTC analgesics has increased over time. However, our results probably represent a conservative estimate since the data are based on responses from regular users who would likely have more knowledge of these compounds than infrequent users. Despite almost one in two regular users of OTC analgesics stating that they are aware of potential risks, only one-third are correctly aware of the established risks. Overall, the suitability rate in our study was significantly higher Loperamide among paracetamol users than NSAID users for both survey years. Our data show that since ibuprofen has become available outside the pharmacy setting, 10.2% fewer people are using OTC NSAIDs appropriately (i.e. increased use when they have contraindications, warnings, precautions or potential drug interactions). The quality use of medicines, in particular OTC NSAIDs, is becoming increasingly reliant on product labelling and the ability of consumers to understand and self-assess risk. Our suitability-rate data are consistent with previous patient data research conducted among Australian general practitioners.