Despite intensive

investigations on the properties of ZnO

Despite intensive

investigations on the properties of ZnO, little is known about its surface properties. While a few claim that the Fermi level is pinned above the conduction band edge [26], others claim that the Fermi level is pinned below the conduction band edge [27]. Here, we take the Fermi level to be located below the conduction band edge as in the case of n-type ZnO NWs [28]. This is also in accordance with Long et al. [23] who suggested that Zn3N2 with GSK2118436 concentration N substituted by O (ON) is more stable than Zn replaced by O (OZn) or interstitial O (OI). In the case of ON, the Fermi level locates near the bottom of the conduction band, but in the cases of both OZn and OI, the Fermi level is pinned around the top of the valence band [23]. In other words, interstitial oxygen gives p-type Zn3N2, but since it is not energetically favourable, we expect to have the formation of n-type ZnO shell at the surface which surrounds an n-type Zn3N2 core. The energy band diagram

of a 50-nm diameter Zn3N2/ZnO core-shell NW determined from the self-consistent solution of the Poisson-Schrödinger equations (SCPS) in cylindrical coordinates and in the effective mass approximation buy Nirogacestat is shown in Figure  4. In such a calculation, Schrödinger’s equation is initially solved for a trial potential V, and the charge distribution ρ is subsequently determined by multiplying the normalised probability density, ∣ψ k ∣2, by the thermal occupancy of each sub-band with energy E k using Fermi-Dirac statistics and summing over all k. The Poisson equation is then solved for this charge distribution

in order to find Etofibrate a new potential V′, and the process is repeated until convergence is reached. A detailed description of the SCPS solver is given elsewhere [29, 30]. In this calculation, we have taken into account the effective mass m e * = 0.29 mo and static dielectric constant ϵ r = 5.29 of Zn3N2[24, 31], as well as m e * = 0.24 mo and ϵ r = 8.5 for ZnO [32, 33]. In addition, we have taken into account the energy band gap of Zn3N2 to be 1.2 eV [17, 24] and the Fermi level to be pinned at 0.2 eV below the conduction band edge at the ZnO surface [28]. A Vactosertib order flat-band condition is reached at the centre of the Zn3N2/ZnO NW, and a quasi-triangular potential well forms in the immediate vicinity of the surface, holding a total of eight sub-bands that fall below the Fermi level. The one-dimensional electron gas (1DEG) charge distribution is confined to the near-surface region, has a peak density of 5 × 1018 cm−3 (≡5 × 1024 cm−3), as shown in Figure  4, and a 1DEG line density of 5 × 109 m−1. Optical transitions in this case will occur between the valence band and conduction band states residing above the Fermi level similar to the case of InN [1].

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