Figure 2 depicts the level of inhibition by both PA01 and PA14 as

Figure 2 depicts the level of inhibition by both PA01 and PA14 as a function of genetic distance of toxin producing strain to the clinical isolates. Figure 1 Inhibition assay. Lawn of a Pseudomonas aeruginosa natural isolate growing on the surface of an agar plate. Spots of pyocin containing cell free extract from a laboratory strain of P. aeruginosa PA01 were applied on the lawn at different SCH727965 research buy dilutions. The formation of clear zones is indicative of killing of the clinical isolate. The highest dilution of cell free extract (thus containing

the lowest concentration of toxin) that inhibits the clinical isolate is a measure of potency of the toxin. The inhibition score is the inverse of the highest dilution that inhibits growth of the clinical isolate. In this example, the spot marked A is non-diluted cell free extract; spots B to F are serial 3-fold dilutions. The inverse of the dilution factor of dilution D would be the inhibition score. Figure 2 Inhibition by toxin containing cell free extract. Inhibition of clinical isolates by toxins in cell free extract collected from laboratory strains PA01 and PA14 as a function of genetic distance (Jaccard similarity) between toxin producer and clinical isolate. A unimodal non-linear relationship peaking learn more at intermediate Jaccard distance give best fit to the data (solid lines), better

than a linear fit, see text and Table 1. Our results lend strong support to the idea that toxins are most effective when active against genotypes of intermediate genetic distance relative to the focal strain. The relationship between inhibition and genetic distance is unimodal, peaking at intermediate genetic distance for both toxin producers Hydroxychloroquine concentration PA01 and PA14. This result is confirmed more formally by noting that a quadratic

model with an internal maximum is a better this website descriptor of the data than a linear model (Table 1; in the linear regressions, the linear term is not significant), by the lower AIC (Aikake’s Information Criterion) values for the quadratic models than the linear models (Table 1) and by an F-ratio test asking if adding the quadratic term provides a significantly better fit than the linear model (PA01, F1,48 = 5.96, P = 0.018; PA14, F1,42 = 17.56, P = 0.00014). We also tested for the existence of an internal maximum in the data using a Mitchell-Olds and Shaw (MOS) test (as implemented in the R package vegan) following Mittelbach et al. (2001) [33]. This approach tests the null hypothesis that a quadratic function, fitted to the data, has no stationary point (either a maximum or minimum) within the range provided. Our results reject this null hypothesis for both PA01 and PA14 at the P < 0.1 level (PA01: P = 0.072; PA14: P = 0.0006), the same criterion used in Mittelbach et al. (2001) [33].

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