In addition, an important increase of IFNb gene expression was observed (PAU-B16 ×5; Lipo-PAU ×57) (Supporting Information Fig. 1B and C). IFN-β levels were then measured in culture supernantants by ELISA and, as it can be observed in Figure 5A, it showed
a two fold increase when poly A:U was used as stimulus. We also tested the ability of B16-CM and PAU-B16 CM to modulate Selleck Navitoclax IL-12 secretion. When BMDCs were incubated with CpG in the presence of B16-CM, the secretion of IL-12 was significantly inhibited. However, this inhibitory effect on IL-12 secretion was partially reverted when BMDCs were stimulated with CpG in the presence of PAU-B16 CM (Supporting Information Fig. 1D). Complexing poly A:U with Lipo-PAU not only generated elevated levels of IFN-β (>1000 pg/mL) but also induced higher levels
of apoptosis Everolimus concentration (data not shown). As it can be seen in Figure 5B and C, poly A:U complexed with PEI neither affected the proliferation rate nor the apoptosis levels of the tumor cells. Then, PAU-B16 cells were inoculated into wt and TLR3−/− mice. A significant inhibition of tumor growth was observed when tumors were induced by PAU-B16 cells compared to the growth of those induced by nonstimulated cells (B16) (Fig. 5D and E). Since inhibition of tumor growth was observed in both mouse strains (wt and TLR3−/−), we exclude an effect of remnant poly A:U on APCs from the host and hypothesized that ROS1 a direct effect of poly A:U on B16 cells was responsible for the inhibition observed. These results indicate that poly A:U signaling on B16 cells induce the production of IFN-β in vitro and that tumors elicited by PAU-B16 cells showed a diminished growth compared to those elicited by nonstimulated cells in both wt- and TLR3-deficient mice. To analyze if type I IFN produced by PAU-B16 could be playing a role in vivo, we inoculated B16 or PAU-B16 cells into mice lacking the IFNAR1 subunit of the type I IFN receptor. Inhibition of tumor growth was observed only in WT mice bearing PAU-B16 tumors (Fig. 6A). Thus, IFN-β signaling is involved in the retardation
of tumor growth observed. To explore whether TLR3 on tumor cells play a role in therapeutic settings, we carried out local TLR3 stimulation by treating B16 tumors with PEI-PAU in C57BL/6 and TLR3-deficient mice once tumors became visible (Fig. 6B). In both strains, a significant inhibition of tumor growth was observed; interestingly, the local stimulation of TLR3 present on tumor cells was enough to delay tumor growth in TLR3−/− mice. Altogether, our results support the hypothesis that type I IFNs produced by poly A:U-stimulated B16 cells, even if secreted in a transient manner, could modify the local environment at the site of tumor cell inoculation, improving DC function and the antitumoral immune response, as we had previously reported in a similar experimental model using TLR4 ligands [18, 19].