In the following sections, the three stages in the framework were discussed in detail
and their specific procedures were described by pseudocode, respectively. Finally, the overall structure of the three-stage framework was given in the last section. 3.1. Reorganization of Original Mobile Phone Data Since the EGFR inhibitor drugs mobile phone data was collected for communication industry, it was not primarily designed for modeling purposes and not in an easy-to-use format. Particularly, the peculiarity of mobile phone data collection makes it unfit for the spatial and statistical analysis as well as the visualization of data mining results. To make up the deficiencies, binning method and raster data structure were introduced in this study. 3.1.1. Binning Method Overlaps exist in the coverage areas of two adjacent BTSs. In particular, coverage radius of BTS in the central city of Shanghai is only 500~800 meters on average. Frequent handover may occur as the MS enters the overlaps of the serving cell and the adjacent cells.
The frequently gratuitous handovers lead to the data noise and the waste of system resources. Binning method was used in this study to smooth the location information and reduce the volume of data. The chronologically sorted logs were distributed into bins of equal width in the temporal dimension. All the logs in the same bin were replaced by one equivalent log. The timestamp of the equivalent log was the bin median; and the location information was replaced by the weighted average of the original coordinates in the same bin. Let the width of each bin be 10 minutes; the specific procedure was described in Algorithm 1. Algorithm 1 Binning method of original mobile phone data. Since the frequent handover was represented in the original data as a cluster of logs in an incredibly short period of time, the negative
effect of frequent handover was eliminated by assigning small weights to logs with small intervals. What is more, with one equivalent log acting as alternative for all the actual logs in a certain bin, the volume of data was Cilengitide reduced sharply. The selections of bin width value as well as the accuracy of mining results obtained with the binned data are to be discussed in the forthcoming articles. 3.1.2. Raster Data Structure By 2011, 23,918 BTSs distributed unevenly and irregularly throughout Shanghai. The data structure was unfit for the spatial and statistical analysis, the mining results visualization, and the further data fusion with other data sources. The raster data structure was applied for the transformation of BTS’s geographical coordinates. In this study, a raster was constructed to cover the city territory of Shanghai. For the facility of calculation, cells of the raster were delimited with meridians and parallels in fixed intervals.