Mice treated with intraperitoneal injections of cerulein develope

Mice treated with intraperitoneal injections of cerulein developed AP. Histological examination of the selleck chemical ARQ197 pancreas (6 h after the final injection of cerulein) revealed tissue damage characterized by mild interstitial edema, inflammatory cell infiltration, vacuolization, and acinar cell necrosis. Compared to saline pre-treatment, SSM pre-treatment resulted in a significant reduction in pancreatic injury as shown by reduced edema, inflammation, vacuolization, and necrosis, in a dose-dependent manner (Figure (Figure1A,1A, B and Table Table11). Table 1 Effect of Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans water extract on pancreatic histological scoring during acute pancreatitis (mean �� SE, n = 6) Figure 1 Effects of Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans on inflammation in the pancreas following pancreatitis.

A, B: 200 �� (A) and 400 �� (B) magnification of representative hematoxylin and eosin stained pancreatic sections of control mice and mice … Effect of on the MPO activity in cerulein-induced AP As an additional quantitative assessment of the severity of the inflammatory response, we measured MPO activity as an indicator of neutrophil sequestration in the pancreas, following the induction of AP. MPO activity in the pancreas of the SSM pre-treated AP mice was lesser than that in the pancreas of the saline pre-treated AP mice (Figure (Figure1C1C). Effect of SSM on PW/BW and serum amylase and lipase levels in cerulein-induced AP In order to assess the effect of SSM on pancreatic edema, the PW/BW was measured. As shown in Figure Figure2A,2A, the PW/BW was increased in saline-treated mice with AP.

SSM treatment, however, inhibited the AP-induced PW/BW ratio increase compared with the saline treated group (Figure (Figure2A).2A). Serum amylase and lipase levels are most commonly used biochemical markers of pancreatic disease, particularly in AP[19-21]. Therefore, we examined serum amylase and lipase levels during cerulein-induced AP. The administration of SSM significantly reduced the serum amylase and lipase levels (Figure (Figure2B2B and C). Figure 2 Effects of Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans pretreatment on the pancreatic weight/body weight ratio and the production of digestive enzymes such as serum amylase and serum lipase during cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis. Mice pretreated with Scolopendra …

Effect of SSM on TNF-�� and IL-1�� production in cerulein-induced AP Several inflammatory mediators have been shown to increase during AP[22]. Therefore, to examine the effect of SSM on the occurrence of a systemic inflammatory response during cerulein-induced AP, we measured the level of GSK-3 TNF-�� and IL-1�� induction. Compared to control mice, mice with AP showed a significant increase in the levels of these inflammatory mediators in the pancreatic tissue and serum (Figure (Figure3).3).

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