Patients who were specified as “none” for employment were categor

Patients who were specified as “none” for employment were categorized as unemployed and those who gave any other response (including “unknown”) as employed. Because people under the age of 65 typically receive Medicare benefits only if they have a disability or end-stage disease, a dichotomous variable for Medicare status was created as a proxy for disability for such patients. Medicare Dabrafenib manufacturer coverage was not included among all age groups; it is typically available irrespective of SES after the age of 65. Information on insurance coverage was categorized Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical as ‘yes’ or ‘no’ for Medicaid, Medicare due to disability, and private insurance. Evaluation of nuclear accumulation

of p53 For a series of consecutive CRC patients, the phenotypic expression of p53 (p53nac) in CRCs was determined by immunohistochemistry Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical (IHC). As described previously (8,9), only tumor cells with distinct nuclear immunostaining for p53nac were considered positive, and the tumor was considered positive only if p53nac was identified in 10% or more of all malignant cells in a tissue section. The cut-off value of 10% positivity was chosen because it showed the highest concordance between p53nac and point mutations of the p53 gene, as detected by single-strand conformational polymorphism analysis (95% of point mutations) (12). Other covariates of interest Due to the small number of patients, only major prognostic factors (age, sex, race, and tumor stage) were included.

Age Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical at the time of surgery was included as a continuous variable Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical (range, 26-93 years). Patients were categorized as white (non-Hispanic Caucasian) or black (non-Hispanic African-American) based on the race

listed in the medical record. Tumor stage was categorized using the TNM system as Stages I, II, III, or IV according to the criteria of the American Joint Committee on Cancer (13). Statistical analysis Descriptive statistics were presented according to p53 status. Chi-square tests for categorical variables and t-tests for continuous variables were used to compare demographic and clinical characteristics. Logistic regression was used to calculate odds ratios (OR) along with 95% Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical confidence intervals (CI) for the association between measures of SES ADP ribosylation factor and p53 status. Unadjusted models and models adjusted for all covariates of interest were developed. A two-sided probability of 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results Tumors from 140 patients (56.2%) had p53nac, and tumors from 109 patients (43.8%) had native p53. Patients with p53nac were marginally older, tended to have late stage disease (Stage III/IV), were less likely to be unemployed, and were more likely to have Medicaid coverage (Table 1). Patients who were unemployed were more likely to be female (70.7% versus 48.9%) and older (69.8 versus 64.4 years old) (data not shown). Patients with Medicaid coverage had a higher proportion of females (82.8% versus 55.9%) and were more likely to be black (75.

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