Results- The mean age of the patients was 48 years (range- 27-69) out of which 36 were males and rest were females. Majority of the patients were alcoholic (26/39; 67%). The average follow-up in surviving patients was 14.6 months.26 patients (67%) were Child-C out of which 17 (43.5%) had MELD score of >25.19 ABT888 patients were hemodynamically unstable at the time of the procedure reguiring vasopressor support. Technical success was achieved in all the patients. Hemodynamic success was seen in 36 patients (92%) with reduction of portosystemic gradient from an average of 23 to 7 mm Hg after the procedure. The 30-day survival rate was 64%
(25/39 patients). Survival was strongly associated with the MELD status of the patients with only 20% of patients with a MELD score of >25 surviving beyond Ixazomib purchase 1 month as against 95% survival in patients with MELD < 25. Similarly, only 45% survival was seen in patients with Child-C status against a survival of 93% in patients with Child- A, B status. The cumulative survival rate was 60% at 6 months and 51% at 1 year. None of the patients who survived beyond 4 weeks had any episode of rebleeding upto one year. Hepatic encephalopathy was the common complication seen
in 17% of patients (7/39). This was followed by hemolysis seen in 2 patients and portal vein thrombosis, segmental liver ischemia and acute liver failure seen in one patient each. ConclusionsTIPS provides an emergent way of lowering the portosystemic gradient and hence a highly effective treatment for acute uncontrolled variceal hemorrhage even in advanced cirrhotic patients. However, a high Child and MELD score is an independent
predictor of poor survival in such patients. Disclosures: The following people have nothing to disclose: Amar Mukund, Yashwant Patidar, S. Rajesh, Ankur Arora, Hitendra K. Garg, Shiv K. Sarin “
“Prevalence of cirrhosis among older adults is expected to increase; therefore, we studied the health status, functional disability, and need for supportive care in a large national sample of individuals with cirrhosis. A prospective cohort of individuals with cirrhosis was identified within the longitudinal, nationally representative Health and Retirement Study. Cirrhosis cases were identified Bupivacaine in linked Medicare data via ICD-9-CM (International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification) codes and compared to an age-matched cohort without cirrhosis. Two primary outcome domains were assessed: (1) patients’ health status (perceived health status, comorbidities, health care utilization, and functional disability as determined by activities of daily living and instrumental activities of daily living), and (2) informal caregiving (hours of caregiving provided by a primary informal caregiver and associated cost). Adjusted negative binomial regression was used to assess the association between cirrhosis and functional disability.