Source images were imported into ImageJ (ImageJ, U. S. National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD), visually inspected and rotated to place the microwire in a vertical orientation. When possible, two adjacent rectangular selections, 480 pixels high by 240 pixels
wide Estrogen Receptor Pathway (equivalent to 994 μm by 496 μm), were made with the long edge running on the center of the wire. If that was not possible due to excessive proximity to wall of the well, only a single rectangular selection was made facing the interior of the well. Each of these selections was considered a single sample for analysis purposes. From these selections, intensity profiles of average brightness of each vertical line were generated, as shown in Figure Figure1C.1C. Microwire segments were also imaged in three empty wells, and an average intensity profile was obtained and subtracted from the intensity profile generated from cell-containing wells. One response index (RI) per cell type was obtained for each region by summing the area underneath the intensity profile line between the distance points corresponding to the region boundaries and dividing by 10000. Statistical analysis was performed using the SAS 9.3 statistical package (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). A general
linear model (GLM) procedure was used perform to a one way ANOVA with block, to remove the effects of variations between the plates by treating the plates as a statistical block. Post hoc Tukey tests were used to determine statistical significance between the treatment groups at a significance level of α = 0.05. The error bars plotted represent the standard error of the means. P-values less than 0.05 are denoted in the figures by a single asterisk, while p-values less than 0.001 are denoted by double asterisks. Plots were generated using MATLAB (The MathWorks Inc., Natick, MA). Figure 1 Image quantification. Wells in 96 well plate (A) were imaged to produce a fluorescent image (B) and extract intensity profiles for each channel. The
fluorescent image is pseudocolored to show neurons in red, astrocytes in green, and microglia in blue. … Results Figure Figure11 shows an overview of the methodology employed to analyze the cellular responses to microwire segments. Microwire segments placed in the wells (Figure (Figure1A)1A) were imaged, resulting in sets of images such as the one shown Anacetrapib in Figure Figure1B.1B. Intensity profiles (Figure (Figure1C)1C) of areas of various widths were analyzed to obtain the results described below. Microglia Figure Figure22 shows the different levels of aggregate microglial response in interface areas of different sizes. In the interface area containing only the microwire (i.e., 25 μm), the only significant difference in the microglial RI was between the PEG coated microwire and LPS coated microwire (RI = 1.37 vs. 2.2, p = 0.007).