The agreement of measurements with the empirical model results fo

The agreement of measurements with the empirical model results for the submerged breakwater is good when the majority of data are in the region of DK0.2R−T=±0.05DKR−T0.2=±0.05. The empirical model for an emerged breakwater is formed on the basis of fewer measurements. Therefore, there is weaker agreement between the estimated and measured values than for the results of the submerged breakwater. Both equations (eq. (10)

and eq. (11)) were derived on the basis of a small number of measured data: this is the major weakness selleck products of these equations. Nevertheless, we have presented a new approach for calculating the reduction in mean period, which could be a good basis for further investigations of these issues. The application of this

empirical model to the design of low-crested structures is limited. It is important to stress that this empirical model was developed from a dataset recorded in a wave flume. In reality, a threedimensional wave transformation occurs across a breakwater, which means oblique, short-crested incident waves. Piling-up behind the submerged breakwater Palbociclib is also specific to wave flume tests, which is not the case for real submerged breakwaters with wide gaps along the structure where offshore directed flows occur. Martinelli et al. (2006) compared piling up at breakwaters with narrow gaps (3D laboratory model) with piling up in the wave flume. Those authors found that piling up was approximately 50% smaller when narrow gaps were present. The influence of piling up on measurement accuracy was not tested. The piling up measured in the laboratory investigations conducted in this work is presented in Table 3. The values

were calculated in the same way as the average surface oscillations. The first parts of the time series, which are statistically unsteady, were cut off. The use of the mean spectral period T0.2 = (m0/m2)0.5, based on the 2nd order spectral moment, could be questionable, because it is very sensitive to high frequency disturbances. The EU CLASH Project suggested employing either T0.1 = (m0/m1) or T0,− 1 = (m− 1/m0) as the most stable index for the period. Therefore, the same calculations as those presented for Figure 7 were conducted but with HAS1 suggested periods of T0,1 and T0,− 1. As the results are very similar to those presented in Figure 7, the period T0.2 was chosen because of the clear comparability with statistical periods. Experimental investigations in a wave channel were conducted with a smooth submerged breakwater. Tests showed, in general, that when waves cross the breakwater the statistical wave periods T1/10, Ts and Tm are reduced. The reduction of wave periods depends on the relative submersion, i.e. on the ratio of the breakwater crown submersion and the incoming wave length Rc/Ls–i. There is a greater reduction in wave periods for lower relative submersion values, so that the mean wave period Tm is reduced by as much as 25% in relation to the incoming mean period.

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