The salivary flow rate was HM781-36B an important factor in eliminating any harmful agents and dietary acids from the mouth[32]. Moreover, the composition of saliva is highly dependent
on the salivary flow rate[7]. Having frequent bouts of vomiting as a potential risk indictor of developing DE was documented in the literature[22, 33, 34]. Frequent bouts of vomiting are associated with a large group of psychosomatic disorders including eating disorders and stress-induced psychogenic disorders[5, 22, 35, 36]. In this study, neurological and psychological diseases were highly associated with DE in the bivariate analysis but not proven to be as risk indicators of DE in the logistic regression analysis. Pronounced tooth wear was more evident when associated with tooth brushing as softened enamel seemed more susceptible to be removal by mechanical forces, like attrition and abrasion[37]. It has been reported that rinsing the mouth after drinking beverages has a lesser association with DE and even can be considered a protective measure[38]. Holding acidic beverages in the mouth before swallowing
increased the contact time of the acidic substance with teeth and was likely to be the main driving force leading to erosion in many individuals[6, 39]. Johansson et al. ([40]) in an in vivo study reported that holding the drink in the mouth before swallowing led to the most pronounced drop in the intraoral pH than any other drinking method[40]. see more Having acidic drinks (Lemon and carbonated drinks) at night-time after tooth brushing was considered as a risk indicator for having DE because brushing teeth removes the tooth pellicle which protects teeth from erosive attacks. Additionally, the decrease or absence of salivary flow during sleeping, subsequently affects the saliva protective ability[2, 3]. These facts were in line with our results. Our results were in accordance with other studies indicating consumption of lemon, sour candies, sports, and carbonated beverages, and lemon juice consumed at bed time are considered
a risk indicators of DE[6, 24, 28]. Al-Dlaigan et al. ([13]) found that the consumption of fruit drinks, squashes, and carbonated beverages played a major role in the presence of the condition[13]. Millward et al. ([20]) examined 101 school children and found a high severity of DE associated with high consumption of soft drinks, particularly sports drinks[20]. O’Sullivan and Curzon ([6]) found in their case–control study that young patients with erosion consumed significantly larger quantities of carbonated beverages and cordials than did the controls[6]. In conclusion, this study examined almost all factors reported in the literature and thought to be associated with DE. The finding of this study support that DE is a multifactorial condition.