Unless comprehensive measures are taken to address the gaps in funding, research and global immunisation coverage, developing countries will continue to be overwhelmed by some of the most devastating diseases. In order to improve the situation, collaborative schemes are underway that bring together academic institutions, industry and public/charitable financing organisations. Recent initiatives include the Novartis Vaccines Institute for Global Health, the MSD–Wellcome Trust Hilleman Laboratories and the Alliance for Case Studies for Global PD-0332991 molecular weight Health. Human Hookworm Vaccine Initiative featured in Case Studies for Global Health The Human Hookworm Vaccine Initiative (HHVI),
an international product development partnership based at the Sabin Vaccine Institute, was established in 2000 to develop the world’s first ever safe, affordable, multivalent recombinant vaccine against human hookworm infection. Such a vaccine could impact an estimated 3.2 billion at risk individuals. Sabin Vaccine’s HHVI is one of 32 projects chosen for inclusion in Case Studies for Global Health released on 20 November 2009 by the Alliance for Case Studies for Global Health. Other diseases include HIV, TB and malaria, and lesser-known diseases such as dengue fever and Japanese encephalitis. The Alliance is a collaboration of The Bill
& Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Health Organization’s Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), Global Health Progress (GHP), the International AIDS Vaccine Ergoloid Initiative (IAVI) and the Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM). It is estimated that 99% of microbes are yet to be discovered. Selleck Natural Product Library Using nucleic acid sequencing strategies, Ian Lipkin has discovered close to 200 new viruses including the LuJo virus, a new arenavirus that has caused several fatal cases of haemorrhagic fever in Zambia and South Africa. Behavioural and environmental changes may facilitate the emergence and spread of new pathogens, while novel methods of discovery may
allow for the more rapid development of vaccines against emergent diseases, before the new pathogens become widespread public health problems, as was the case in the development of a Sanofi Pasteur vaccine against the SARS coronavirus infection. The microbiome, a term coined by Joshua Lederberg, is defined as the totality of microbes within a defined environment. The human microbiota has co-evolved with their hosts and appears to play important roles in human health and disease. The Human Microbiome Project is a National Institutes of Health initiative that seeks to determine the relationship between human health and changes in the human microbiome. By using revolutionary sequencing technologies to characterise the microbiology of five body sites – oral cavity, skin, vagina, gut and nasal tract/lung – an association may be made between the microbiomes associated with either the healthy body state or disease.