We next verified by IF whether CD41H MKPs from FL expressed the h

We next verified by IF whether CD41H MKPs from FL expressed the hepatocyte nuclear factors (HNFs), HNF-1, HNF-3β, and HNF-4α, which are essential for the expression of most hepatocyte genes. In preparations www.selleckchem.com/products/BEZ235.html from unpurified E11.5 FL cells, and from purified c-KitDCD45−

and CD49fHCD41H cells, there was only a weak punctuate nuclear HNF-4α and HNF-1 signal in CD41H cells (Fig. 5A and Supporting Fig. 5), and no staining for HNF-3β was observed (not shown). By contrast, brighter homogeneous signals were detected in the nuclei of CD49fDCD41− cells. In addition, no surface expression of hepatic glucose transporter type 2 (GLUT2) was detected in CD49fHCD41H MKPs (Fig. 5B). Therefore, the ALB protein detected in CD49fHCD41H MKPs from the E11.5 FL is most probably

accumulated by endocytosis. To further clarify the relationship between FL MKPs and HeP, the Dlk/CD13 markers used to define liver stem/progenitor cells17 were analyzed on electronically gated CD49fHCD41H and CD49fD cells from FL (Fig. 5C,D). We found that CD49fD cells contained most Dlk+CD13+ cells (1,291 ± 389 cells/FL), whereas CD49fHCD41H MKPs contained only 62.5 ± 9.8 cells/FL (n = 10) of Dlk+ cells. Taken together, buy GSK1120212 these results reinforce the idea that FL CD49fHCD41H MKPs are distinct to HeP, even though they share some characteristics of hepatoepithelial and endothelial cells. The c-KitDCD45− population contained HeP that can establish hepatoepithelial layers in vitro.10 Because the subpopulation of CD49fH CD41H cells present in the c-KitDCD45− HeP appear to belong to the MK lineage, and the remaining CD49fD cells express hepatoepithelial transcripts and contain Dlk+CD13+ cells, we reasoned that these CD49fD cells may represent

the true HeP present in the FL at E11.5. To investigate this hypothesis, we cultured purified c-KitDCD45−CD49fD (CD49fD) cells after removing c-KitDCD45−CD49fH (CD49fH) cells by FACS. In the absence of the CD49fH population, CD49fD cells could not grow in culture on any of the substrates tested (uncoated, collagen I, laminin, or fibronectin), and after 3 days in culture, most of them adopted a small, round appearance of medchemexpress apoptotic cells (Supporting Fig. 6). When CD49fH cells were seeded along with CD49fD cells, the mix of the purified subpopulations formed hepatoepithelial layers, as did cultures of total purified c-KitDCD45− cells (Fig. 6A). These cultured cells expressed HNF-4α (Supporting Fig. 6). We concluded that the presence of CD49fHCD41H MKPs was required for CD49fD HeP to grow in vitro. To determine whether this process was mediated by direct cell-to-cell contacts or by soluble factors, we cultured the purified CD49fH and CD49fD populations in transwells (Fig. 6B). Again, epithelial layers developed when both subpopulations were grown together in the upper chamber of transwell plates.

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