Based on Cronbach’s alpha, the selleck chemicals reliability of EPIL was 0.89, which is very high. The reliabilities for boys’ and girls’ samples are 0.88 and 0.89, respectively. The Squared Multiple Correlations (SMCs) range from0.35 to0.62. The item-total correlations range from0.49 to0.74, which are in general high. The scale showed good internal consistency. Cronbach’s alpha if one item is deleted ranges from0.85 to0.87. Table 2 shows the item statistics of the EPIL. Table 3 shows the interitem correlation matrix; the relationships between items are significant.Table 3Interitem correlation matrix.Purpose in life is associated with prosocial behavior; hence, criterion-related validity was determined along this line of thinking. Two groups of respondents were identified.
The first group included those who have volunteered in the past 12 months (volunteers), and the second comprised those who have not volunteered in the past 12 months (nonvolunteers). The mean of the EPIL for volunteers was 4.99 (SD = 1.14), whereas that for nonvolunteers was 4.75 (SD = 1.28). The univariate analysis showed that the mean EPIL of volunteers is significantly higher than that of the nonvolunteers (t = 5.14, P < 0.001). The effect size, Cohen's d, was 0.12, which is a small value. The criterion-related validity was attained.Psychological well-being is associated with life satisfaction [5]. The EPIL is a component of psychological well-being; hence, such association with LS is hypothesized. Construct validity was performed along this dimension. The result showed a correlation between EPIL and LS of 0.56.
This correlation is moderately high. All individual items are associated with LS (Table 3). The construct validity was attained.5. Discussion The current study selected seven conceptually linked items from Shek’s original Chinese version of the PIL [15] to form the EPIL. The psychometric properties were explored. The EPIL attained high internal consistency (0.89) and high item-total correlation (0.53). The reliability of the EPIL was very high, compared with those of recent studies [14]. The principal axial factoring showed that one factor could be extracted from the scale. The coefficients of congruence analysis showed that the factor can be replicated across boys and girls. The variance explained was greater than 60%, considerably higher than that of a similar study conducted with adolescents aged 11 to 20 with the 20-item full scale [15].
Thus, the EPIL is powerful in explaining the variance. The factor structure was stable across genders. The criterion-related validity was derived when the EPIL scores between volunteers and nonvolunteers were Dacomitinib compared. The construct validity was attained when the EPIL score was highly associated with the LS score. The major difference between EPIL and PIL is that EPIL is a subset of the PIL.