These results show that the regulation of mitogen-activated protein kinases is involved in SCRT induced membrane else depolarizations on ICCs.Figure 6Effects of various MAPK inhibitors on SCRT-induced pacemaker potentials responses in cultured ICCs. (a) SCRT (30mg/mL) induced membrane depolarizations on ICCs. (b) Pacemaker potentials of cultured ICCs exposed to SCRT (30mg/mL) in the …4. DiscussionIn recent years, there has been much work done in the area of traditional medicinal plants in Korea and many good results or promising leads have been achieved [8]. In GI motility area, ICCs are good research tools to study GI motility and therefore, many labs use ICCs.In this study, we used ICCs and are studying to develop a new GI motility drug. Until now, SCRT was not used to treat GI motility diseases.
SCRT has been widely used to treat respiratory disease such as cough and asthma in oriental countries [16]. In this study, we found the potentials of SCRT to treat in GI motility. Because of the central role of ICCs in GI motility, loss of these cells would be extremely detrimental. Research into the biology of ICCs provides exciting new opportunities to understand the etiology of diseases that have long eluded comprehension. Discovering the molecules involved in the generation of pacemaker activity in ICCs may lead to dramatic new therapies for chronic GI diseases that result in lifelong suffering.
Consequently, ICCs are involved not only in physiological GI motility but also in many bowel disorders, including inflammatory bowel disease, chronic idiopathic intestinal pseudo-obstruction, intestinal obstruction with hypertrophy, achalasia, Hirschsprung disease, juvenile pyloric stenosis, juvenile intestinal obstruction, and anorectal malformation [17].5-HT plays a critical role in coordinating GI motility [18�C21]. In response to intestinal stretching stimulation, 5-HT promotes peristalsis via the activation of intrinsic primary afferent neurons located in the submucous plexus [12, 22, 23]. Of the 5-HT receptors believed to influence GI motility, 5-HT3 and 5-HT4 receptors play an important role in the regulation of GI motility [12, 24�C26]. Also, in guinea pig colon, 5-HT receptor was investigated [20]. Furthermore, these receptors mediate peristaltic reflex and existed in nervous systems in the guinea pig distal colon [27]. Liu et al.
[13] suggested that 5-HT augments ICC pacemaker activity via 5-HT3 receptors, whereas Shahi et al. [11] suggested that 5-HT can modulate pacemaker activity via 5-HT3, 4, and 7 receptors. On the other hand, Wouters et al. [28] suggested that 5-HT2B receptors regulate the proliferation of ICCs in mouse jejunum. In Korea, poncirus trifoliate (PT) Drug_discovery is widely used as a remedy for GI, allergic, and inflammatory diseases [29, 30]. In recent study, Kim et al.